Tai Jin
Performance Engineer
WTE/biomass plant experience: 8 plants

Performance Engineer

Joined Deltaway: 2014

Years in industry: 4

Special skills: A strong ability to quickly grasp new and complex concepts and to think through problems and challenges.

Expertise: Good understanding of how to improve the energy efficiency of the steam cycle. Tai has experience developing monitoring and modeling tools for the steam cycle.

Customers like: His ability to deliver tools that are truly effective at improving energy efficiency

Francois says: “Tai is a young and bright engineer with outstanding data analysis skills and an ability to understand and model very complex systems.”

What he likes best about Deltaway: The team’s ability to deliver concrete results for clients. The flexibility of the organization.

Proudest achievement: Earned the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship, a full scholarship for three years’ study in France

How he spends his time away from work: Practicing paper craft and origami. Discovering and comparing Japanese and European cultures